How to Use Newtone FL Studio (2024)

Do you really want to learn the proper method for using NewTone in FL Studio? Don't worry, this article will guide you through the process of effectively using NewTone in FL Studio.

Can beginners use Newtone FL Studio?

Yes, beginners can use NewTone in FL Studio. NewTone is designed to be user-friendly, and FL Studio provides a range of tools and features that make it accessible to users at different skill levels. 

If you are new to pitch correction and vocal editing, it's recommended to start with basic tutorials and gradually explore more advanced features as you become comfortable with the software.
Newtone FL Studio

Things you need to know before using the FL Studio Newtone plugin

Before diving into using the NewTone plugin in FL Studio, there are several key aspects you should be aware of to maximize your experience. Firstly, it's crucial to have a basic understanding of pitch correction and vocal editing concepts, as NewTone is primarily designed for pitch manipulation and correction.

Familiarize yourself with musical scales, intervals, and the fundamentals of tuning to achieve accurate and pleasing results.
Secondly, ensure that you have a well-recorded and clean vocal track before applying NewTone. A high-quality recording with minimal background noise and a well-controlled environment will yield better results during the pitch correction process. Pay attention to mic placement and gain levels, and consider using a pop filter to reduce plosive sounds.
Additionally, it's essential to grasp the user interface and controls of the NewTone plugin. Take the time to understand features such as pitch correction, time correction, formant shifting, and vibrato control. Experiment with the various settings to achieve the desired vocal effect without compromising the natural sound of the voice.
Furthermore, be aware of the limitations of pitch correction tools like NewTone. While it can be a powerful tool for enhancing vocal performances, excessive correction may result in an unnatural, robotic sound. Strive for a balance between correcting pitch issues and preserving the authenticity and character of the original recording.
Lastly, consider exploring tutorials and documentation provided by FL Studio and NewTone to gain insights into advanced techniques and best practices. 

Understanding the capabilities of the plugin and staying informed about updates or additional features will empower you to make the most of NewTone in your music production endeavors.

Follow these steps to use NewTone in FL Studio:

1. Open NewTone. Load the NewTone plugin onto the mixer track containing your vocal recording.
2. Analyze Pitch: Play your vocal recording and let NewTone analyze the pitch. The software will display pitch markers on a piano roll grid.
3. Adjust Pitch Corrections: Manually adjust pitch markers as needed to correct pitch inaccuracies. Use the pitch correction tools provided in the plugin.
4. Time Correction: If necessary, utilize the time correction features to align the vocal performance with the desired timing.
5. Experiment with Formant Shift: Explore formant shifting to modify the tonal quality of the vocals without affecting pitch.
6. Vibrato Control: Use the vibrato control to manage and adjust the natural vibrato in the vocal performance.
7. Fine-Tune Settings: Experiment with other settings like pitch drift, pitch center, and formant preservation for more nuanced adjustments.
8. Preview Changes: Continuously preview your changes by playing the vocal recording within NewTone to ensure the desired corrections and enhancements.
9. Apply Changes: Once satisfied, apply the changes made in NewTone to the original vocal track in FL Studio.
10. Mix and Save: Integrate the modified vocal track into your overall mix. Save your project to preserve the changes made using NewTone.

That's it. 
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